Why Your Website is Losing You Money, Part 3

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We’ve talked about the #1 and #2 reasons that websites fail: You are not solving your customer’s problems, and “The 4 Second Home Page Mistake”. This is a variation on #2 but a very important one.


If your potential customers can immediately see on your Home page that what you offer may be what they are looking for, then they will stay on your site.

For many, many of you, what your customer is buying is YOU: your service, your product, your ideas. When you start explaining everything it can be misunderstood, misinterpreted or just plain missed, and you lose them.

You’ve got them interested. They’ve clicked into your site. Give them some more, but now STOP EXPLAINING! Give them just enough to get them to want to CONNECT with you: buy your product or service, call you, ask for more information.

1) Write down what problems you solve for your potential customers.
2) Boil it down to ONE word or short phrase that sums it all up.
3) Write down WHAT it is you do that solves that problem.
4) Write down WHY what you do solves that problem.
5) Write down in great detail HOW you will solve their problem.
6) Throw away #5 and don’t put it on your website.

If your website connects emotionally with your viewers and if your solution connects with their problem, you’ve won the battle. If it doesn’t, you’ve missed the boat. 21Thirteen Design will help you do both. There is actually no better investment that you can make in your success. Email us at hello@21thirteen.com or call us at 646 808 0249 to get the help you need.