More on Emotional Design

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Emotional design has the power to turn users into fans, spreading the word about things they love. Emotion says what’s important to us, or not important.

Don Norman of the Nielsen Norman Group talks about the three levels of emotion that affect our behavior.

Here’s a list of emotions used in brand strategies, developed by a top marketing research company: Visceral Emotions are the ones we’re born with, Behavioral Emotions are the ones that affect our expectations negatively or positively, and Reflective Emotions, when you consciously review the past or think of the future.

All of these can affect the way a viewer reacts to your brand and website.

There really is no science to how you can stir these emotions in others. You certainly can’t “put” them into someone or even build them into what you offer, but you CAN put them into what you say and what you show about what you offer. And there is one way to know if you’ve achieved that goal or not: Do YOU feel it when you look at how your band is presented?

Emotion, not logic, is what really drives people’s decisions, so make sure your brand and your website are designed with Emotion.

Email us at or call us at 646 808 0249 to learn more.