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You’ve probably been told over and over, “build your online presence”. It may have been phrased as “establish your platform”. How ever it’s put, there’s no doubt you have to use a website, and you may be best off using social media, or maybe email marketing, or blogging, or some combination of all of these, to market whatever you’re trying to bring to the world.

But before you do that, what do you say? How do you say it? What does it look like? How does it “sound” and “feel”?


“Building a brand identity will anchor your business and its marketing materials, communications, and overall presence”, according to Adobe, the industry leader in digital design tools. A brand identity is the look, feel and sound of YOU, as you face the marketplace.

Quality and consistency in what people see, hear, and feel when you communicate with them is what imprints you – your brand – into their minds.


Great design is absolutely essential in marketing. People are visual, and in particular they identify who you are and why they should choose you with the way your website, blog articles, email, and social media platforms look.

Again, according to Adobe, “Great design is a foundational building block of successful business strategy. It communicates your brand, boosts visibility, drives engagement, and inspires conversion.”

It’s a fundamental of compelling content and the engagement of potential customers.

Don’t skimp on it.

Email us at or call us at 646 808 0249 to learn more or about design and marketing.