Marketing to Millennials

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There are 6.2 million millennial households in the United States earning $100,000 or more each year. Your target market may or may not include millennials, but if it does, here is some advice from one such member of our world.


“It’s way cooler for us to be able to say that we’ve traveled to a new country or met a new artist than to say we bought an antique or a painting. We want concerts with light-up bracelets and trending hashtags. We want authors to have “Ask Me Anythings” on Tumblr.”


“Millennials want to be able to talk about the things we’re doing and buying with other people like us. As big believers in originality, we prefer small communities that we can use to complain about how everyone else in the world just doesn’t get it. This community should preferably interact both online and offline and include not only brand spokespeople, but the people who design and make the product. They drive discussion and create a sense that millennials belong to the identity of the brand and can help shape it.”


“The reason social media is important is that it’s allowed us to identify with people and products and ideas that are exactly like us. Gone are the days when brands can tell us what to do and how to behave. We want to find niche artists and companies that already speak to us as a person. Artists of all types — from Jennifer Lawrence to knitters on Etsy — have to take time to describe themselves, their personalities, and their personal lives, so that we can identify with and feel like we know them.”

(from the article, “The art of marketing to millennials”,

How does this affect the branding of your company and your website? Email us at or call us at 646 808 0249 to learn more.